Reasonable Green

Just a girl, trying to be a better steward of the Earth, while still driving a car and living an otherwise mainstream, twenty-first-century consumer life. She thinks you can be "green" and reasonable. Here is her blog.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Electric Funeral

I don't want to get too excited prematurely. Yes, I know that General Motors is the same company that created and then killed the EV1. However, in the corporate race to get a plug-in hybrid on the road, I'm willing to support all the teams.

GM recently announced plans to produce a plug-in hybrid SUV and have it on the market in model year. . . 2009! No photos or illustrations widely distributed yet. (The pic above is just a tiny green car in China.)

It's possible, then, that in a mere two years the plug-in hybrid will be a mainstream option. I've begged and pleaded, and begged some more, to be part of the testing group. Barring a career switch to academia, it doesn't look good.

But, two years??!! I think I can handle that wait. Now, if I could just swing a real biodiesel vehicle. . . the vegetable oil kind.


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