Reasonable Green

Just a girl, trying to be a better steward of the Earth, while still driving a car and living an otherwise mainstream, twenty-first-century consumer life. She thinks you can be "green" and reasonable. Here is her blog.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Have you ever been to Electric Ladyland?

Photos courtesy CVPS

As a former Vermonter, I am so often proud of the RG-ish efforts of the Green Staters. Now, Central Vermont Public Service is making headlines.

With Cow Power, farmers are harvesting the methane-producing “byproducts” of their dairy operations to generate electricity to run their farms. As a bonus, they can sell the excess power, provided courtesy of their bovine ladies’ generous deposits, back to Vermont’s largest utility. Yes, we’re talking about manure! (And yes, the man in the photo below is sniffing ahem post-process “brown gold.” )

About 300 households can be powered from the operations of the first large dairy farm to participate – four more farms are expected to be up and running on Cow Power over the next year.

CVPS customers can opt to pay a premium to support the farmers. Seems mighty RG of them, too – currently just 16 cents vs. 12 cents per kilowatt hour. Mooooooo!


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